Ending the Experiment – Source Interference

Over 6million years ago, a group of creator gods proposed a test of the power of love. They had done their research and had recruited a creator god from another universe who came to be known as Source and who falsely claimed to be the creator of the Universe. Source’s soul was created based on other factors aside from love. The proposal was to take over the Universe using force and to import Source to spearhead the Experiment.

The creator of this Universe encoded love into all that was created including the souls of the proposing creator gods. The creator of this Universe agreed to the proposal, thus ratifying the Experiment. An end date for the Experiment was set for October of 2011.

The first 4million years of the Experiment were relatively uneventful as the dark creator gods prepared for an onslaught. New species based on reptilian sentiency were created and became technologically advanced. Around 2million years ago, they began taking over planets and solar systems using force. All of this took place in this Galaxy (Milky Way Galaxy). At first the reptilians were easily successful taking over large chunks of the Galaxy and intending to expand to other galaxies. However, advanced Light based civilizations within this Galaxy stood strong and a stalemate developed so the Galactic Wars did not spread as intended. Love was making a stand.

Around 65thousand years ago, these reptilian marauders over-ran our solar system and Earth became dark held territory. This was a major victory for the Experiment as human DNA is among the most advanced DNA in the Universe and was highly prized by those involved with the Experiment. Direct occupation was attempted using Atlantis as their home base. Around 30thousand years ago, a series of thermo-nuclear wars were fought between the Atlantian occupiers and the most technologically advanced indigenous human civilization known as the Lemurians. The results were disastrous and around 13thousand years ago, both home continents sunk below the waves. Turtle Island (North America) rose up in between and we have our current continental configurations.

Dust and debris from the disappeared continents and resulting volcanos blocked the sun and a major ice age ensued. The human population was reduced to survival mode and the advanced technology was lost, both good and bad. The Experiment changed gears. They imposed a quarantine cutting humanity off from Light based influences and used off-planet and underground bases to enslave humanity. Deception became the primary tool for the occupation and remains so until this day.

When the end date for the Experiment came (October of 2011), Source and the creator gods supporting him refused to surrender. Instead of participating in an orderly transfer of power, the Experiment continued as did Source’s leadership. They had all of the advantages here on Earth, based on their unchallenged power and their human minions including elected officials around the world, a dark financial system imposing artificial scarcity and ownership and control of the media worldwide and all the major corporations. Some things did change. Most significantly, the reptilians surrendered to the Light’s agenda and left occupied territory including Earth, returning to their home planets.

Katelon and I began our current attempt to end the Experiment four and a half years ago. Our intention was to vet all information with the creator of this Universe. A good idea, but Source was able to impersonate the true creator and used that deception to interfere and keep the Experiment in place. At the end of June, this deception was exposed and we targeted to end Source based interference in the same way we ended interference by other creator gods supporting the Experiment. This failed because Source is imported from another universe. Once we learned this, we were supported in ending Source’s welcome here and requiring him to return to the universe that created him. This took place a few days ago.

Rolling out the Full Disclosure project was then attempted but aborted. We learned that the Sun had to be involved and that Source had prevented the Sun from receiving our invitation to join the team. Source interference included a booby trap and it took us two tries to discover this. Once the booby trap was disarmed and cleared, we renewed our invitation for the Sun to become part of the disclosure team and the Sun accepted the invitation. Work is now under way to integrate the Sun into the roll out preparations.

There may be more interference to overcome… we shall see. However, with Source gone this should go smoothly and quickly. May the roll out happen soon and be successful in every way.

Freedom for humanity…

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Ending the Experiment – Another Update

In the spring of 2018, I had a number of epiphanies related to deceptions within the current timeline. Chief among these deceptions was that God was the creator of all that is. This is not true, but God was impersonating that creator and; the ‘creator of all that is’ allowed this deception on the bases of a free will universe. My target was to transcend all deceptions so the work being targeted could succeed.

My solution at the time, was to target the ‘creator of all that is’ and get information directly from it. My name for the ‘creator of all that is’ was Source and I have long accessed what I called Source Within to get my own truth, knowing that Source Within is not corruptible. Using this premise, a US based woman named Katelon and I resumed working together in the fall of 2018 and have had daily sessions ever since.

All of our work accessed Source Within and vetted the information with a being we called Source; whom we assumed to be the ‘creator of all that is’. Four and a half years later and still the targeted work has not succeeded. At the root of the interference is an Experiment, ratified by Source between 6 and 7million years ago. That Experiment empowered a group of dark creator gods to attempt to take over the Universe using force, testing the power of love; which is foundational in all that the ‘creator of all that is’ had created.

I will now fast forward to the problem we encountered. Source is also not the ‘creator of all that is’ but was impersonating that creator. The entire Experiment was vetted by Source using this deception and that deception continued by allowing Source to continue to impersonate the ‘creator of all that is’ when we vetted the Source Within information. As long as Source continued to interfere, the Experiment continued. Time and again we would be deceived by this essential deception and have to start over. That has been our experience for the last four and a half years.

Katelon was finally able to break the cycle, challenging the premise that Source was the ‘creator of all that is’. Very quickly pieces began to fall into place.

The solution was to target Source in the same way as we have targeted other dark creator gods supporting the Experiment. We were supported in this work by the true ‘creator of all that is’ and began vetting the Source Within information with the true creator of all that is. Because dark creator gods have indestructible souls they are legal forms and must be treated as such. Illegal forms of energy are destroyed and recycled. Legal forms, such as souls, are crossed over (similar to a soul leaving due to death) and given a time-out so they cannot interfere with the work we are doing.

Dealing with powerful dark creator gods is complex and several tries are often required. They have worked for millions of years to fortify their position and protect themselves and the timeline of the Experiment where their normally illegal activities are sanctioned. They are experts in time-travel protection and use it extensively; knowing that if the protection remains, they can use it to loop back to safety and avoid light based attempts to remove them from the equation or end the Experiment. Source proved another case in point. Our first attempt was on June 27th and it appeared successful, including repeated confimation that Source was out of the equation and the Experiment was ended. Still no visible progress in terms of getting the Project done or even in some of Katelon’s symptoms. Try as we might, ultimate success eluded us.

On July 10th we jumped through some hoops including surrendering our leadership of the Project. The next morning, Katelon got information that Source remained and was hiding out in a dark sanctuary installed within her and protected by four layers of time-travel protection. After dealing with all four levels of time-travel protection Source was finally unprotected. Finally, we were able to cross Source over (against his free-will) and begin his 50year timeout. This was successfully completed.

This represents the last of the dark creator gods supporting the Experiment. The Experiment is thus ended and presumably, we can now fast forward to the successful conclusion of the work we are doing.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – Ending the Experiment – An Update

Six to seven million years ago, Source ratified a dark Experiment to test the power of love. Five dark creator gods had banded together to spearhead the Experiment, targeting to use force to take over the Universe. Terms and conditions were agreed and a deadline was set for the expiry of the Experiment. All five of the dark creator gods are now known to us… Lucifer, an organizational genius we called Big Big Bad Ass and three who incarnated as humans within the current timeline. The expiry date was set for October 28, 2011; the date at which the expansion of the Universe ended and the slow collapse began. 

I was one of the dark creator gods. My intention was to conduct the dark’s business in accordance with cosmic law but others saw things differently and the Experiment devolved into a free for all of sorts. Around 50,000 years ago, I renounced my dark affiliations and began working for the Light’s agenda, targeting to end the dark’s efforts to enslave and restore timelines based in serving the greater good.

All four of the other creator gods continued to support the experiment. Lucifer and Big Big Bad Ass remained as disembodied creator gods and part of the disclosure project’s work was to end their support and their influence within the existing timeline. This was supported by Source and as of a few months ago, neither Lucifer nor Big Big Bad Ass is able to negatively influence the existing timeline. Similarly, the two embodied as humans were also disempowered and removed from being able to influence or support the defunct experiment. Both are public figures and one is very well known and prominent; however, it is premature to name them. Both were recalcitrant and well protected and soul exchanges were required to eliminate the negative influences coming from their creator god souls. The embodiments remain dedicated to dark objectives but neither is able to continue as obstacles blocking full disclosure.

Other creator gods entered the Experiment on behalf of darkness. Two of the most influential were God and Ankara. God gained prominence through the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths. Although God is no longer able to influence things, these religions and their current leadership continue to create dysfunction and negative influences for large portions of humanity. Ankara created new civilizations based on reptilian sentience, specifically designed for aggression and combat. Around two million years ago, these civilizations became sufficiently technologically advanced to conquer other civilizations and take over their territory. Thus began the galactic wars. At first the reptilians were easily successful but a few established light based civilizations were able to resist their advances and a stalemate developed. The galactic wars ended in the late 1990s when Ankara surrendered to Light’s agenda and Ankara is now supporting full disclosure.

One of the most coveted resources targeted by the dark was humanity. Humanity was created during the Experiment by a group of Light based creator gods around 200,000 years ago. Humanity was created with the most advanced DNA created to that point in time. DNA that was designed to be capable of carrying higher levels of light than had ever previously been possible within a physical vessel. A ‘safe spot’ was chosen within the galaxy that could be protected from the dark Experiment so the new species could travel their evolutionary path and become a prototype for further evolutionary progress. All went according to plan until around 60,000 years ago when Ankara’s dark marauders overran this sector of space and took control of the solar system. That began the current human shared timeline controlled by dark forces. 

Resources also entered the fray on behalf of the Light. Katelon was one of these. Both Katelon and I were there at the ratification over six million years ago. She argued with Source that the Experiment should never be ratified but was overruled. Immediately, she petitioned Source to incarnate on behalf of ending the Experiment. By her count she has had over 300,000 such lifetimes nearly all ending prematurely and often painfully. 

Although time expired on the Experiment over a decade ago, support for the Experiment continued, including support from four of the five creator gods present at the ratification. This support was especially powerful here on Earth, the last sizeable stronghold of the dark. By now, each of these dark creator gods has been disempowered and the disclosure project was supported in officially ending the Experiment and ending the dark power source that had been created to level the playing field on behalf of the Experiment. We were then supported in calling in all affected parties such as the Earth, the Sun, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe and all of Creation and confirmed with the help of Source that the dark Experiment was now officially ended and all were to return to the Source based timeline that preexisted the Experiment. 

That timeline honours free will but has natural biases supporting Love based on individual sovereignty; the connection we all have to Source, including guidance should we choose to accept it. 

Soon, full disclosure will happen here on Earth and the dark’s long reign supported by the Experiment will end.

Freedom for humanity…

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Freedom for Humanity – A Summary – Spring 2022

Humanity was a joint creation of creator gods serving truth and the greater good. We were created 250, 000 years ago and were the most advanced physical beings yet created; capable of carrying more Light than any previous creation.  Other gods with a service to self orientation targeted to prevent humanity from achieving their full potential and when this sector of the galaxy fell to predatory forces around 60,000 years ago, these gods worked diligently at creating a fortress of darkness including what is commonly called the matrix. All of these dark entanglements targeted to keep humanity in limited consciousness and enslave humanity for their own benefit.

When humanity frees itself from these self-interested enslavers, we will return to our evolutionary path and life will be very different from what we experience today. The current timeline based on lies and deception will be replaced by a timeline based in truth and full disclosure. As a result, human capabilities will be greatly expanded from those presently enjoyed by the great majority of humanity and the natural abundance of the Universe will be enjoyed by all.

A profound shift took place on October 28, 2011. That date marked the end of the era of duality, the end of us and them, of darkness and light, of war and peace, of rich and poor, of freedom and slavery, of young and old, and so many other manifestations of duality too numerous to mention. Free will was honoured and there were many ways we could have crossed this threshold, but the threshold itself was predestined. As it turned out, duality remained very much a part of our shared reality here on earth and systems supporting duality continued to create more.

The long anticipated December solstice of 2012 came and went without the predicted fireworks; neither apocalyptic nor mind-blowing and the illusion of duality remains in place. What happened – if anything? The ascension process predicted for the December solstice of 2012 (12-21-12) was a dark hoax; designed to disempower humanity by providing the illusion of a saviour event. This hoax continues with apocalyptic twists such as the pandemic and the Ukrainian crisis and the dark remains very much in control. Despite these various propaganda streams, humanity will soon achieve freedom and return to our evolutionary path. All of humanity will then realize our full potential together in an inclusive process yet to be experienced.

Freedom for humanity will result in a shift into a shared timeline based in serving the greater good and the natural ousting of earth’s human dark who continue to rule over humanity and impose their chosen timeline of artificial scarcity and economic slavery. At the top of the human dark hierarchy are three groups of people; i) the European based RKM (Rothschild Khazarian Mafia) made up of a few hundred families who have controlled world finances and the media, ii) the US based technological leaders who call themselves the Alliance. They developed and use free energy, zero gravity based travel (faster than light), time travel technologies which they have abused to fortify their chosen dark timeline, and a variety of technologies to control and limit humanity which has prevented humanity from traveling their evolutionary path. iii) BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) hidden governments. These three groups constitute what I call humanity’s secret government. All three groups have embraced and benefited from the artificial pandemic. The Ukrainian crisis is essentially a turf war led by the RKM targeting Russia.

Off-world support for this secret government has been a major factor in their success. 60,000 years ago, predators took control of this sector of the galaxy and controlled it until the mid-1990s when they surrendered to the Light’s agenda and left occupied territory. The surrender is nearing completion now with some of the dark creator gods now serving the Light while others (including the dark creator god know as God to Jews and Christians) are no longer able to interfere with the work to bring about full disclosure. Aligned with the predators was an entire hierarchy of parasitic entities. These beings implemented a variety of limiting structures that are slowly being collapsed. By now, humanity’s secret government essentially stands alone without off-world support.

There is growing support to bring about full disclosure by initiating a disclosure event televised around the world. This event will also invite Light based ETs to participate on an ongoing basis and include taking over the dark’s financial systems, the dark’s media control and the dark’s control over the world’s health authority. This effort is now poised to spring into action. A breakthrough is nearing but has not yet occurred.

I remain completely dedicated to the process of ending the existing shared human timeline, a timeline based in deception, by replacing it with a shared human timeline based in serving the greater good. A timeline based in Love, based in truth and full disclosure, based in oneness and abundance, based in world governance in support of the greater good, based in the complete restoration of natural law here on earth. My spiritual work partner, a US based woman named Katelon, and I began our third major attempt to bring about freedom for humanity by manifesting full disclosure. This attempt began in November of 2018, so we are well into our fourth year. We work directly with Source, our name for the prime creator.

Humanity is now on the cusp of a shift into a Light based shared human timeline. This will be accompanied by governance shifts as world governments supporting the earth’s dark shift to or are replaced by world governments supporting the greater good.

The Earth as a school of learning will continue after freedom for humanity is achieved and our shared timeline shifts; but will then be based in serving the greater good and the realization of humanity’s full potential including such things as rejuvenation, abundance technologies, travel by intention, and daily interactions with other Light based ET civilizations. Individual sovereignty will be widely supported.

Survival will no longer be an issue and each of us will be encouraged to uncover and pursue our passion as we attract our lessons and advance along our evolutionary path. Duality will play a much reduced role and service to others will replace service to self as humanity’s foundational value.

Sound like heaven on earth? That is what is planned; and that is the end result of achieving freedom for humanity. Enjoy the process and may your experience be one of peace, love and joy.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – The Work Continues

Katelon, a US based woman, and I continue our work to bring about a new shared human timeline based on full disclosure. We are into our fourth year of this go-round and meet every day to further the work we are doing. We tried to do this twice before and both times our work failed primarily because we were channelling entities aligned with the existing timeline who gave us false information. This time we are channelling only Source, the creator of all that is.

All of our work is at the etheric level, the level of energy. We have no power and no authority at the physical level but are both capable and connected at the etheric level. Once the etheric level is cleared of dark interference and support for the existing timeline is ended, the new timeline can be installed and ‘plugged-in’. From there it is only a matter of time before the new timeline takes over in the physical. Many physical level changes are planned to initiate the takeover of the full disclosure timeline. All of this will become self evident once the transition process begins.

A little history first. Six to seven million years ago, Source ratified an experiment to test the power of Love, the foundation for all of creation. A dark creator god known as Ankara worked within that experiment and created civilizations based on reptilian sentiency designed for aggression and combat. Two million years ago these civilizations became sufficiently technologically advanced and began the galactic wars, taking over other planets. At first they were easily successful but a few advanced light based civilizations were able to resist them. Our solar system fell to Ankara’s forces about 60,000 years ago, thus ending the protection humans had long enjoyed from light based ETs. Atlantis was colonized by dark humanoids and thermo-nuclear wars were fought between the colonists and the indigenous humans in Lemuria. Both Atlantis and Lemuria sank below the waves around 13,000 years ago and Turtle Island (North America) rose up in their stead. At that point the control strategy was changed and instead of an occupation, Ankara brought in illusionists to create the illusion of freedom while controlling things from beyond a veil. God was one of the illusionists.

The illusionists were skilled at time-travel and used it to locate threats to their control. They would then target the threats in present time, discrediting them and orchestrating their demise. The illusionists would also create time-travel loops where they could hide out and undo light based attempts to end their control. Dark humans were supported by the illusionists as prison wardens (rulers). Some of these humans are part of the historical record. These dark humans became an organized force a few centuries ago and formed a de-facto but secret world government. By the mid 1950’s, this secret world government was sufficiently technologically advanced to interact with ETs. Because of their dark intentions, the secret world government worked with dark ETs and kept light based ETs away.

The work Katelon and I do targets the hidden control structures supporting the current timeline; especially the time-travel loops. Each of these time-travel structures remains hidden until sufficient clearing is done to expose them. It has been very much like peeling an onion. The last of these structures was recently uncovered and cleared.

The coast seems well and truly cleared for full disclosure to take place. Final preparations are underway and soon, momentous changes will burst forth; ending the current shared human timeline based in control and misery by creating a new shared human timeline based in full disclosure, based in ongoing interactions with light based ETs, based in the natural abundance of the universe.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – Ending the Experiment

Six to seven million years ago, Source ratified a dark Experiment to test the power of love. Five or six dark creator gods had banded together to spearhead the Experiment, targeting to use force to take over the Universe. Terms and conditions were agreed and a deadline was set for the expiry of the Experiment. Three of the dark creator gods are now known to us… Lucifer, an organizational genius we called Big Big Bad Ass and myself. The expiry date was set for October 28, 2011; the date at which the expansion of the Universe ended and the slow collapse began.

My intention was to conduct the dark’s business in accordance with cosmic law but others saw things differently and the Experiment devolved into a free for all of sorts. Around 50,000 years ago, I renounced my dark affiliations and began working for the Light’s agenda, targeting to end the dark’s efforts to enslave and restore timelines based in serving the greater good.

Other creator gods entered the Experiment on behalf of darkness. One of the most influential was Ankara. He created new civilizations based on reptilian sentience; specifically designed for aggression and combat. Around two million years ago, these civilizations became sufficiently technologically advanced to conquer other civilizations and take over their territory. Thus began the galactic wars. At first the reptilians were easily successful but a few established light based civilizations were able to resist their advances and a stalemate developed.

One of the most coveted resources targeted by the dark was humanity. Humanity was created during the Experiment by a group of Light based creator gods around 200,000 years ago. Humanity was created with the most advanced DNA created to that point in time. DNA capable of carrying higher levels of light than had ever previously been possible within a physical vessel. A ‘safe spot’ was chosen within the galaxy that could be protected from the dark Experiment so the new species could travel their evolutionary path and become a prototype for further evolutionary progress. All went according to plan until around 60,000 years ago when Ankara’s dark marauders overran this sector of space and took control of the solar system. That began the current human shared timeline controlled by dark forces.

Resources also entered the fray on behalf of the Light. Katelon was one of these. Both Katelon and I were there at the ratification over six million years ago. She argued with Source that the Experiment should never be ratified but was overruled. Immediately, she petitioned Source to incarnate on behalf of ending the Experiment. By her count she has had over 300,000 such lifetimes nearly all ending prematurely and often painfully.

Although time expired on the Experiment a decade ago, support for the Experiment continued, especially here on Earth, the last sizeable stronghold of the dark. Recently, we were supported in officially ending the Experiment and ending the dark power source that had been created to level the playing field on behalf of the Experiment. We were then supported in calling in all affected parties such as the Earth, the Sun, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe and all of Creation and confirmed with the help of Source that the dark Experiment was now officially ended and all were to return to the Source based timeline that preexisted the Experiment.

That timeline honours free will but has natural biases supporting Love based on individual sovereignty; the connection we all have to Source including guidance should we choose to accept it.

Soon, full disclosure will happen here on Earth and the dark’s long reign supported by the Experiment will end.

Freedom for humanity…

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Mum Dies

My Mum was 99 years old and in amazing physical good health. It was simply time for her to go. Her soul wanted out and the soul is the final arbiter in decisions of this nature.

Mum had seven children, all surviving, and five daughters. All of us are full siblings. Her husband of 65 years and our father, died about a decade ago. For several years Mum has lived with one of my sisters, on a kind of rotation shared by three of her five daughters. A rift developed decades ago when another of the daughters revealed she had been sexually assaulted by her father for several years before leaving home as a sixteen year old. I helped this daughter, my sister, out the situation in the mid 1980s. We confronted our Dad and insisted he inform Mum. This was done and Mum chose to continue the marriage which lasted until Dad died in 2010. All well and good except the marginalization of the abused daughter continued as though no disclosure had taken place.

Five of the siblings supported Mum in this marginalization, blaming the sister. I was kind of an outlier recruited by the supporters and believing their propaganda that the marginalized sister simply refused to let the matter go and get on with her life. A couple of years ago, I was drawn into the fray and did my own investigation. I quickly concluded that the abused sister was not the problem and began working with her making suggestions that would begin to resolve the issue. These suggestions were cast aside by Mum and her supporters who held firm to their shared opinion that Mum had done nothing wrong and the abused sister was the problem. Soon I was being mistreated and marginalized in the same way as my sister had been treated for decades.

Over these last couple of years, I learned a great deal about my Mum… none of it favourable. In essence, I went through several grief cycles when each new piece of discouraging information came to light. By the time the final chapter was being written over the past month or so, I had no unfinished business with my Mum. She had consistently refused each and every olive branch and proposal made by either my sister or me; holding firm to the premise that she was blameless and we were the problem for trying to make things better. Although Mum was hospitalized in Calgary (where I live) and given palliative care in the home of my Calgary based sister, I did not participate. I did not even visit. I believed at the time (and continue to believe) that this was best for everyone involved, including Mum. She had made it clear that she wanted to maintain the premise that she was blameless and had refused to participate on any other bases. And so she died, grieved by her supporters.

All of this seems to have impacted the larger work I am doing; the work of bringing about a timeline based in full disclosure.

That seems all that is appropriate to share at this time.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – Ending Support for the Existing Timeline

The present situation looks daunting. The pandemic continues world-wide and health authorities continue to rule over humanity. Human rights are routinely violated in the name of public health and vaccines are touted as the route back to ‘normality’. Large portions of the population are getting their shots; applauded and rewarded for so doing. Governments are united in supporting vaccines, advertising in support of vaccines, and creating perks for those who comply along with penalties for those who do not. The media is all-in supporting this global effort and most of humanity seems aligned with the vaccine agenda. Why this global effort to support vaccines? The true vaccine agenda is related to blocking humanity’s evolutionary path and centralized control over humanity. This will allow the secret government to remain in power.

Economic slavery continues and the screws are being tightened so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Worker rights are more and more trampled and employment opportunities continue to decline. The small guys are going bankrupt and closing shop. Even paying the mortgage is becoming more and more difficult for more and more people. Public and private debt is skyrocketing. Governments are saying this is all temporary and the banks are playing along but the other shoe will drop if this timeline continues. When it does banks will foreclose and those borrowing money to pay their bills will lose their homes and other assets. The media is silent on these issues.

Is there a solution? Not within the current timeline as the current timeline is controlled by dark forces. Is there a solution? Yes; simply shift the timeline. In order to do so, the energetic support systems of the current timeline have to end. That work is far more advanced than is being reported.

The very top of the dark human secret government was finally exposed over the last month or so along with the resources supporting them. The resources were cleared and the human’s (16 folks in total) were forced to surrender and stand down.

The dark secret government is no longer the de-facto government of this planet which had previously been the case. The secret government can no longer invite ETs to support their agenda. The last of the dark ETs were sent home. We called them the COVID ETs as they brought the pandemic blue print along with the capability to illegally transmit the disease. The COVID ETs also created a force field supporting the entire pandemic project and booby-traps to create mayhem if their control as the world health authority is threatened. All of this was recently cleared.

Now, as never before, the current timeline is running on borrowed time. Now, as never before, the current timeline is unsupported. Now, as never before, a light based replacement timeline is cued up and will soon be initiated. That timeline is the timeline of full disclosure.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – Illegal Parts

Katelon (based in the USA) and I (based in Calgary, Canada) continue to work everyday in support of bringing about a timeline based in full disclosure and truth. This new timeline will replace the existing timeline imposed on all of humanity by a dark secret government and supported by nearly every elected government around the world.

We have taken very different pathways to this partnership. Katelon first incarnated millions of years ago when she learned of the experiment sanctioned by Source to test the power of love by allowing dark creator gods to pursue dark agendas based in self interest and exploitation. She was and remains singularly dedicated to ending the darkness and suffering that resulted.

I joined the experiment as a dark creator god million of years ago. That continued up until about 50,000 years ago when the project I was in charge of went horribly wrong and the planet of Molbek (now the asteroid belt) blew up and was no more. At that time, I made the free will choice to serve only the light and do my part to end the dark experiment.

Both pathways have liabilities within the current dark timeline. Katelon has been targeted and attacked throughout this lifetime and dozens of times while working with me. I have been burdened by illegal parts.

Illegal parts are soulless clones of someone’s soul. However; they are powered by artificial intelligence programmed to serve the darkness. They also lack a light body, the soul’s connection to Source. Net result is they are loveless and without compassion. Sound like a handful… that they are.

Illegal parts are rare as the dark needs the cooperation of the soul itself to create them. This happened on three separate occasions during my soul’s journey. The first was when I joined the dark’s experiment (millions of years ago) as part of initiation rights. The second was after Molbek exploded (55,000 years ago) and I negotiated to leave the dark. The third was after Atlantis sunk below the waves (13,000 years ago) and both Katelon and I were tricked into helping out survivors only to be captured and eventually tortured to death. 

All my illegal parts operated outside of my awareness.

The Molbek illegal part attacked Katelon in November about nine months ago. I wrote about the episode in a blog post called Supporting Full Disclosure – 23 Months.

A couple of weeks ago, I was doing some sungazing asking what more we could do. We were already aware that out of body parts were participating as Disclosure Team members and the guidance was to invite my out of body part in as a step toward integration. I did so during our session and within hours, a part of me attacked Katelon. We reconvened and learned it was a part created when Katelon and I were captured, tortured and eventually killed while attempting to assist survivors after Atlantis fell below the waves 13 thousand years ago. We cleared the loop maze protecting it and returned this part back to Source.

Over the next couple of days, I continued and uneasy alliance with the out of body part acting as a member of the disclosure team. This included inviting it into my body and letting it take over as the part in charge. This lasted an hour or so until the part chose to return to its work with the disclosure team. Katelon continued to battle various ailments but we simply soldiered on for about another week. At that point, our process broke down completely as I insulted Katelon during a session and for the first time in months, we did not do a session on June 24. We reconvened the next day and learned my out of body part acting as a team member was another illegal part. This part was protected by a loop-maze created when I was initiated as a dark creator god millions of years ago. We cleared the loop-maze and returned the illegal part back to Source.

Hopefully, that ends this sorry chapter of my journey. Hopefully, full disclosure can now be initiated and the dark’s long reign here on Earth can now be ended.

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Supporting Full Disclosure – The Vatican Army

Earth and humanity have been under dark control for the last 60,000 years. Ever since marauding conquistadors took over this segment of space during the galactic wars. Instead of setting up an occupation, the conquistadors brought in dark illusionists who created the illusion of freedom all the while fortifying their control and supporting dark humans who sided with them.

Among the illusionists was a dark creator god, known to Jews and Christians as God. God is not the prime creator, although he claims to be and this claim is widely supported within participating religions. Among God’s most ardent supporters is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church centred in the Vatican. When Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire (4th century) and tailored it to meet his needs, the Vatican gained much power and prestige; outliving the Empire itself. At some point, those in charge realized they needed a public face of goodness and Godliness to deceive the masses while its true agenda of control and enslavement operated behind the scenes. This evolved into the present system of an elected Pope, the public face of the church; and the Black Pope, the behind the scenes man in charge.

The Vatican has orchestrated and overseen innumerable crimes against humanity including Inquisitions, the Crusades, genocide in various forms and had access and control over its employees as priests and nuns. Over the centuries, the Vatican discovered ways to enslave souls even after the physical death. These enslaved souls became an army of sorts doing their bidding.

As disclosure neared, the Vatican Army was flushed out of hiding and attempted to derail disclosure. In early April, we found ourselves on a detour encountering fail safe after fail safe and getting nowhere fast. Once we got back on the timeline of full disclosure the true issues began to appear. A host of loops and mazes emerged and had to be cleared as they protected the army from Light based work. Some were created eons ago as Katelon has long been targeted by the dark. Some were created far more recently by the human dark including the Vatican but also those with access to this resource including the higher echelons of the secret government. The most recent loop was created at the time of the failed Washington coup of January 6, earlier this year.

April was a very unpleasant month for Katelon and me. These enslaved souls began attacking us, especially at night. Pain is their speciality, especially tooth pain, and nightly visits were excruciating. Slowly, we unravelled the mystery and in early May, we were supported in negotiating soul level surrender agreements with the attacking souls and their bosses, including the Black Pope. The key surrender term was to leave us and the disclosure project alone. Shortly after negotiating the surrender agreement, another attack ensued and we were supported in returning all the recalcitrant souls back to Source; ending the attack and ending interference from what we called the Vatican Army.

Once the army was defeated, another dark resource entered the fray. We have encountered this resource many times before and called them the 18. When the two major factions of the secret government began a turf war that included Trump’s 2016 US election victory, a third major faction emerged made up of the top dogs from both factions in the turf war. This group had access to all the best dark resources including the Vatican Army. A few days after the army was defeated, the 18 attacked in person. Again, we were supported in negotiating soul level surrender agreements with the 18 including the key surrender term that they leave us and the disclosure project alone. Again, shortly thereafter, another attack ensued and we were supported in returning all the recalcitrant souls back to Source.

Since that work, no further dark resistance has been experienced. Perhaps we are truly at the bottom of this barrel of rotten apples.

Full disclosure will happen soon… hopefully, very soon.

Freedom for humanity…

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